Shop Chests limit placing in items


Joined: over 4 years ago
4 topics
10 posts

by RunaCam » over 3 years ago

. A one-sentence summary of bug: 

Players can add items to shop chest, but must do so individually as opposed to shift clicking and putting it all in at once.

2. Priority to fix? {High, Medium, Low}

Quite high, solely because of the recent influx of shops opening

3. Which server? 
{Spawn, Redwood, Cypress, Maple, Willow, Expanse, DungeonRun, Rush, Creative}


4. Steps to Reproduce: 
Please list the step-by-step methods to reproduce the issue

a) Create a shop chest

b) open chest, press shift and click your items so that theyd normally go into the chest. 

c) fail to place items in the chests in this matter

5. Expected Outcome: What did you expect to happen?

I expected the items to go into the chest 

6. Actual Outcome: 
What happened instead?

It instead of going in would go in for a quick second and bounce back into my inventory

7. Proposed Fix (Optional): 
Do you have a suggestion?

shop code. w/ a healthy dose of Coral magic

8. Notes (Optional): 
Anything else we should keep in mind in relation to this issue?

Im not sure its happening to everybody, but recorded users to have the issue are Runacam, MrMagooAZ, and Globdom

9. Screenshots (Preferred): 
Do you have screenshots of the problem, proof or reference?

It's an active process, pictures would do more confusion that help. I can show you myself if there's a need to visually explain.

diamond.png x 1

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