Per Rank Commands


Joined: over 4 years ago
3 topics
4 posts

by It_DEATHS » about 1 year ago

Here is the current list of CMDS and Chat functions users have access to - ~as of 2/15/2023

NOTE: THIS DOES NOT include other functions and perks per ranks, This is only focusing on Commands you have access to.
NOTE2: This list is subject to change without notice
NOTE3: You inhearet lower ranks perms (IE if you are a guardian, you have access to all of these cmds, if you are a sapling you have access to Sapling and Wild cmds)


Chat - @ - Example: @supercoolkid  - This will ping the player

Chat - [ender] - This will message the server your ender chest - Example: Check out my [ender]

Chat - [Inv] - This will message the server your players inventory - Example: Check out my [inv]

Chat - [Item] - This will message the server your players held Item - Example: Check out my new [Item]

Chat - [pos] - This will message the server you world and cords! great for sharing your location

chat - [ping] - see your ping to the server (Not 100% accurate but a good place to start)

CMD - /warnings - This will show your past and active warnings

CMD - /party help  - Lists all cmds associated to Part Chat  [p,chatparty,cp,vparty]

                /party Join - Join a players party chat

                /party leave - leave the party group

                /party Chat - Change to party chat channel

                /party Members - See whos party the player is in

                /party info - see whos party you are in and if your chatting in party chat

CMD - /SetHome - Set a home

CMD - /delhome - remove a home

CMD - /spawn or /localspawn or /ls - Go to spawn

CMD - /localreturn or /lr - Go back to your location before using /spawn - you must not leave spawn or change worlds (IE go end or nether)

CMD - /ancienttrees menu  - See all the ancient trees :D

CMD - /dsicord link - link discord (Must do on lobby)

CMD - /discord unlink - unlink discord (Must do on lobby)

CMD - /reportPlayer - someone breaking the rules? Report them so staff can get accurate timing info!

CMD - /go Cedar - Takes you to the Cedar Server

CMD - /go Evergreen - Takes you to the Evergreen Server

CMD - /go Lobby - Takes you to the Lobby Server

CMD - /afk - Starts the AFK Timer and lets players know you are not at your computer

CMD - /rules - Access to the server rules - Check out the full list with the link provided

CMD - /seen - See when a player was last online (You must spell the name correctly)

CMD - /help - Quick Cmd List

CMD - /list - see whos online by rank, Using Tab is a quick way!

CMD - /tpaccept - Accept a player’s TP request.

CMD - /tpdeny - reject someone’s TP request

CMD - /tpahere - ask someone to tp to you

CMD - /tpa - ask to teleport to someone

CMD - /tpacancel - Cancels your past TP request.

CMD - /ignore - Blocks all messages in chat - Cannot block staff!

CMD - /abandontoplevelclaim - abandons parent claim if you are using subcalim

CMD - /abandonclaim - remove the claim you are standing in

CMD - /abandonallclaims - removes all your claims!

CMD - /AccessTrust ALL - Gives All Players permission to use your buttons, levers, and beds.

CMD - /ContainerTrust ALL - Gives All  Players permission to use your buttons, levers, beds, crafting gear, containers, and animals.

CMD - /Trust ALL - Gives All Players Access to build and break

CMD - /search$  - Search the player shops!


CMD - /setshopwarp - create a searchable warp for players

CMD - /shop help - info about shops!

CMD - /shop unclaim - abandon your shop - make sure to remove all items FIRST!

CMD - /shop myviolations - see what violations your shop has

CMD - /shop info - info about your shop!

CMD - /shop command - list all cmds for shops

CMD - /shop claim - claim the plot you are standing in (must have rank to support this!)

CMD - /shop available - see all plots available to be claimed



No change



CMD - /party ban - keep a player from joining your party chat

CMD - /party kick - kick a player from your party chat

CMD - /party host - create a party chat!

CMD - /hats - custom hats!



CMD - /pets - access to custom pets!



CMD - /enderchest



Last edited: about 1 year ago

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