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Votes are still broken


Joined: over 3 years ago
5 topics
8 posts

by Dee_Lite » over 2 years ago

1. A one-sentence summary of bug: Vote levels are not being counted correctly

2. Priority to fix? 

3. Which server? 
Cedar, not sure about others

4. Steps to Reproduce: 
Vote. Check your vote count vs. /votelevels and the actual rewards given. 

5. Expected Outcome: 
The vote rewards should be based on your vote count, and only trigger once

6. Actual Outcome: Vote rewards are unaffected by vote count. 
I've had a mod try to fix my vote level multiple times but even with 37 votes (which should be at least the next vote level) I'm still only getting vote rewards for the lowest tier (3xp, pumpkin pie, etc.) Additionally, I've seen people get rewards from the higher tiers when their vote counts were lower than the tier requires. It seems arbitrary what vote level people have, not based on actual vote count. Some players are also still getting double vote rewards. (which is now quadruple with the x2 vote reward week)

7. Proposed Fix (Optional): Make sure that the vote count that shows up after you vote is actually related to your vote tier. It seems as if they are 2 separate systems still, or maybe some of us are still stuck in the "old" system.

8. Notes (Optional): I feel like this should have been fixed before the x2 vote reward week so that players could be getting double their actual vote level rewards.

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