Wilderpick not counting polished blackstone bricks.


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13 topics
14 posts

by Spacedout2001 » over 2 years ago
1. A one-sentence summary of bug: wilderpick does not count polished blackstone bricks but does count cracked ones and chiseled polished blackstone

2. Priority to fix? 
{High, Medium, Low} medium 

3. Which server? 
{Spawn, Redwood, Cypress, Maple, Willow, Expanse, DungeonRun, Rush, Creative} all tree servers where the wilderpick is useable. 

4. Steps to Reproduce: 
Please list the step-by-step methods to reproduce the issue, I went to a bastion and started to mine. Only to see polished blackstone bricks is not counted. 

5. Expected Outcome: 
What did you expect to happen? I expected them to be counted. 

6. Actual Outcome: 
What happened instead? They were not counted. 

7. Proposed Fix (Optional): 
Do you have a suggestion? Nope just posting to let red and others know some blocks seem to be missed XD 

8. Notes (Optional): 
Anything else we should keep in mind in relation to this issue? Not that I can think of (: 

9. Screenshots (Preferred): 
Do you have screenshots of the problem, proof or reference? No screenshot of this happening but can get one of necessary. Thanks! 


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