New vote reward


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by Fox_Hermit » over 2 years ago

A new possible reward for voting, vote coins (could even just be a weekly vote reward regardless of rank if seen as potentially too execessive etc)
This would be a currency of some sort (might need to be worked out)

The vote coin would have some type of cross use in where say they voted on survival but want to redeem that coin for something on skyblock and vice versa, or a vendor for ruby fights in which they only sell vote coin goods, maybe a special buff or potion just for that fight. There are many more uses for it and it would open doors for any new ideas/uses in the future. It can be used in creative ways while at the same time not being game breaking. Again the idea of a vote currency is something that would be new to Wilder but I think it is worth looking into not only for the present but as something that would benefit Wilder longterm as the server continues to grow each and every season. 

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