Auto Team Finder in Dungeon Run


Joined: over 3 years ago
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by oSalts » over 3 years ago

It kinda gets tiring to keep searching for dungeon run buddies when your friends aren't on. I propose a plugin that automatically finds players for you. I think that there should be one more option in the main dungeon run room. That, when clicked, searches for 3 other players that have also pressed the button. When it finds 3 others, a message in chat will say something like 'Billy101, Gilly202, and Bob303 want to play Dungeon Run.' A similar message will appear in Billy, Gilly, and Bob's chats. They will proceed to get together and play a Dungeon Run. It would allow a lot more dungeon runs to end in success, as you are not going solo because your friends are not online.

RE: Auto Team Finder in Dungeon Run


Joined: over 4 years ago
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by ryansoh14 » over 3 years ago

Good idea! Sounds like a "Solo Q" feature just like competitive gamed like CSGO and League of Legends. You just get matched with other players who are there too.

Or maybe it can be a little announcement to spawn saying "Player1 wants to play a dungeon run, type /team Player1 to play with him"

RE: Auto Team Finder in Dungeon Run


Joined: over 4 years ago
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by sugarflop » over 3 years ago

Thank you Saltz for these ideas,

We look forward to reviewing them at the next Community Team Meeting- We will of course get back to you as soon as possible.

Kind Regards,

Community Team


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