Issue with Explosive behavior on block


Joined: over 5 years ago
4 topics
7 posts

by Gordonade » over 3 years ago
1. A one-sentence summary of bug: 
- MOVING blocks, being pushed by pistion didn't blew up by any explosive

2. Priority to fix?
- To me it's critical but i would say it's Medium

3. Which server?
- Everywhere
- Redwood, -7963 84 -7368 is where i placed the blast chamber

4. Steps to Reproduce: Please list the step-by-step methods to reproduce the issue

- The only way to reproduce this is to turn the claim explosion: ON at my farm and run the machine

5. Expected Outcome: What did you expect to happen?
- The TNT blew up all the blocks inside the blast chamber

6. Actual Outcome: What happened instead?
- Nothing happend 

7. Proposed Fix (Optional): Do you have a suggestion?
- I don't know why this happened

8. Notes (Optional): Anything else we should keep in mind in relation to this issue?
- I think it happened after the reboot on 21-Jun.
- Source for the design:
- I'm 100% sure the claim explosion is ON
- The explosive of TNT still blow up blocks normally
- This mechanism have been used for 3 seasons now and today it broke 

9. Screenshots (Preferred): Do you have screenshots of the problem, proof or reference?
- i have recorded a clip to demonstrate:

Explosive happen when blocks being pushed by piston
Explosive happen when blocks being pushed by pistons

And this is the explosive when blocks stay still, it does blow up blocks
Explosive happen when blocks stay still


Last edited: over 3 years ago

RE: Issue with Explosive behavior on block


Joined: over 5 years ago
4 topics
7 posts

by Gordonade » over 3 years ago
So you guys got any update about this ?

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